Attention is the chief commodity of the 21st century

N O b o d Y

Using Facebook, Google, Twitter and other venues as the primary source of reach and leads in paid advertising is getting more and more expensive every year. The greed of corporations forces businesses to use other tools and we, unlike typical SMMAs, help our clients solve this problem.

What we can do for you
The problems of most businesses are similar,
the question is how they approach solving them
  • Awareness
    In the 21st century, everyone is vying for audience attention, and corporations like Google demand incredible amounts of money for advertising. We can help you solve this problem
  • Performance
    Every business dreams of getting "hot" ready to buy customers right here and now. But no one wants to see another increase in the price of ad impressions in Facebook's advertising cabinet
  • New markets
    The growth of any business depends on the speed at which it scales. And what could be better and easier than to start expanding into other markets?

Content marketing
At a time when Facebook and Google's advertising platform is driving up the cost of advertising, the best alternative option for businesses, is becoming content marketing.

Developing a YouTube channel, TikTok account, etc. can not only save money, but also increase the impact on your audience.

According to statistics, users trust direct advertising in social networks the least. View statistics

The best way to improve your professional skills and increase your value
  • 213 906 433
    Total audience reach of our customers
  • x1.9
    Minimal revenue growth for our clients
  • x3.1
    Increase in conversion from order to purchase
Facebook Ads
Content marketing
The size of the audience reach is limited by the budget
Unlimited reach
Restrictions on advertising of certain products
Ability to advertise almost any product
No ability to communicate with the audience
Ability to communicate with the audience
Constantly changing rules
No rules
Limit the length of the promotional video
Being able to talk about your product for over an hour
Getting the most "cold" leads
Personal brand development + gaining a loyal audience
Constant control of advertising campaigns
"Smart" algorithms do all the work themselves
Stop receiving leads when the entire budget has been spent
Leads can come in even after 2-4-8 years
Bonus - income from views
Don't stop at the local market

Discover new markets with a population of 4 billion potential customers.
We understand both the specific mentality of these markets and have a large network of contractors
Central Asia
N O b o d Y
N O b o d Y
N O b o d Y
Our work may not end with content alone. We can also be helpful in marketing or in the basic development of their GPTs
Let's talk about your project
And we'll provide a solution to your problem